7 Things to Think About When Your Stupid, Lousy, Miserable Life Doesn’t Make Any Sense


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What’s a Christian to do when life doesn’t go as planned? When hopes are dashed, dreams die, and desperate cries to heaven seem to dissipate in the atmosphere? When all those scriptures on abundance, blessing and protection seem to be intended for other people?

In your mind you know that God must have a good reason for allowing you to suffer, but in your heart you’re wounded and confused. Continue reading

No Time to Cry


You’ve no time to cry
Everyone’s looking to you
To spring into action
There’s so much to do

There are calls to be made
Papers to sign
Decisions to make
In a very short time Continue reading

Worth It

jesus cross

The church is fond of teaching, “Christ would have given his life for you, even if you were the only one.” It always makes me uncomfortable to hear that. I know that God so loved… the WORLD, but would he really have died just for me? Continue reading

This entry was posted on April 6, 2015. 2 Comments

I don’t like singing in church. There, I said it.


I admit it. I’m coming clean. I don’t like singing in church. It’s awkward. It’s boring. They always make you stand up, so you have to keep shifting your weight around to get comfortable. I don’t always like the music style or the singers. I’m just not a big fan of this portion of the church service. Continue reading

This entry was posted on February 8, 2015. 6 Comments

Why God Gives Us Teenagers



We gaze into the face of our newborn babies, and we are consumed with love. We hold them in our arms for hours, and the moment we’re apart, we long to hold them again. We study their eyes for a hint of recognition, but they still don’t know who we are. They’ve no idea what it means to love us, but we’re obsessively in love with them, and that’s all that really matters.

God feels the same way about us.

As they grow, we actively nurture, discipline, and educate them, because we want to give them a foundation for the very best life possible. We long to lavish every good thing upon them, but we sometimes withhold worldly pleasures, because we know it’s not always in their best interest. We’re more concerned about developing their characters than indulging their desires.

God feels the same way about us.

And then they become… Continue reading

So, What Are You Giving Jesus For His Birthday This Year?

gift image-smallI know. It’s a weird question. We don’t typically give Jesus gifts for his birthday. But isn’t it our usual custom to give people gifts on their birthdays? And isn’t Christmas a celebration of Jesus’ birthday? Why is it so strange then (at least if you’re a follower of Christ) to consider giving Jesus a gift for his birthday?

Think about how your own birthday is celebrated. From birthday wishes and hugs when you wake up, to special birthday meals throughout the day, to parties, flowers, cakes, cards, balloons, presents, and a host of warm greetings and well wishes from your friends and loved ones: the entire day is a celebration of your existence. Continue reading